The Sanara Way
We seek the salvation of Peace, the silent breath of Divine Truth, rediscovered…
Freedom in Presence….
The more you are able to sit in the present, the less effect the past and the future may have on the now…
The Journey Of BEing
With the benevolent blessing of the Divine* Consciousness** expresses into a construct to experience ItSelf and, through Free Will, creates infinite possibilities within this expression…
What does it mean to Nourish Ourselves while Nurturing Our World?
‘By awakening into the understanding that all is connected, the concept ‘to nourish ourselves, whilst we nurture our world’ takes on new meaning. We can expand our awareness into considering that nourishing ourselves does not literally mean what we choose to ingest, but that this ‘nourishment’ consists of each and every choice we make for ourselves. From the food and drinks we ingest, our consumption habits, the choices of what we expose ourselves to on television, media, news, the people we spend time with, the daily habits we partake in or undertake, and even the ‘way’ we undertake them, all define the concept of this nourishment.’
What is Ultimate Healing?
True ‘wellness’ is the liberation of Self into Spirit. Thus, ultimate healing may simply be the ‘cure from the delusion of separation of Self from God, All That Is’.