Freedom in Presence….

The more you are able to sit in the present, the less effect the past and future may have on the now...

It is not to say that we should try to forget the past, nor consider the future, but simply that as we connect with past memories, or project ourselves into the future, that if we can allow ourselves to travel to/place ourselves in these ‘times’ as the neutral experiencer, there is no energy transference…just as in the present, the state of neutrality is where peace lies/is experienced.

If one observes a time in the past as a fond memory, this may bring up a sense of nostalgia or a longing for the past. A perceived bad memory may evoke feelings of regret or sadness…

Even feeling that although there was a ‘bad’ experience but that things turned out alright in the end equally locks the memory in as ‘negative’ and something that needed to be overcome, rather than just simply what ‘was’ in that moment.

All of these perceived feelings may be buried deeply into the physical body, or carried through generational programming to future generations, just as the same feelings/perceptions may have been carried through past generational genetic coding to now.

If the dimensions of time: past, present, future, and even beyond these which we know, are inextricably interconnected...then just by truly Being...way beyond even the concept of ‘being present’ is where ultimate peace and freedom lie...




The Journey Of BEing