The Journey Of BEing

Note: I began this exploration in early 2019 during a period of intense physical challenges and spiritual evolution. I consider it a work in progress which continues to develop.

The Birth of Consciousness

With the benevolent blessing of the Divine* Consciousness** expresses into a construct to experience ItSelf and, through Free Will, creates infinite possibilities within this expression…

The Divine permits Consciousness to break free from Source, to experience the Self, and thus to experience the Individualized Journey of the path to Return to Source, just as in the construct of perceived reality, a parent expressing unconditional love allows their child to grow and experience their life, to experience achievements, mistakes and losses, without controlling their destiny, so the Divine allows the expressions of Consciousness to experience this journey for themSelf. 

The ‘Great Temptation’*** was (and is) simply the Desire for the experience of Self Individualization…however the unknown is the ‘consequence’ of this Individualization...Separation….the 'Fall from Grace’ so to speak. 

With the first spark of Self-Realization, in breaking away from Source, the Self is born…the ‘I Am’, and with that expression thus begins the Journey...awakening into a constructed ‘reality’ which is so foreign to what was known, and was always known…into Separation…

*Source, the Divine, God, Grace, however the interpreter wishes to perceive…and in essence, the Neutral Field…All That Is, All That Has Been, and All That Ever Will Be…simply ‘That Which Is’ or ‘It Is’

 **Consciousness or the Self can equate to the Soul, and the Individualized Path that is chosen to be followed…the path of the Soul.

*** In Biblical context, this could align with the Serpent’s temptation of Eve in Genesis, hence why with the acquired knowledge of Self, the awareness of being naked represents the awareness of Self. God, Source was simply ‘trying’ to protect Man from experiencing Separation and the pain and challenges that come with this separation.

The Path of Consciousness

From the first ‘aha' moment, the first breath of the ‘I Am’, any number of infinite possibilities may play out on the manifested journey of Self discovery...lightness, darkness, pain, apathy, or even perceived joy and bliss may be experienced…

The only divine purpose from this point on is to seek the path to return to Innocence, to return to Grace, to Source, with purity of heart and intention, to navigate the manifestations of conscious expression to experience once again, the state of Neutrality.

Until this neutrality, this pure state of BEing, is attained, the Manifested Consciousness, the Self, exists and experiences, ever seeking the return to the Absolute, to Source…

Perhaps seemingly unConscious, the Self is constantly seeking, wandering the path through its manifested experiences, and though the perceived physical experiences of ‘reality’ within the construct/s may change or morph, experiences within changing ‘realities’, may continue to reinforce the notion of Separation, however many infinite cycles and expressions of Consciousness that may take, until awareness even at a subtle level is reached, at which point, the path to Redemption may be glimpsed…

Along the path of Self Individualization, an existential moment may be experienced…the second ‘aha’, the Conscious Awakening into the Awareness of Self…from which the prior existence of Self Individualization may have been blinkered…

This revelation may be perceived to be all that is delve deeper into the understanding of Self, to explore, to know oneSelf more…

The Experience of the Self

Manifested (Projected) Consciousness, the Self, the Ego, the Body, the Individualized Personality, the I AM…

The body is a projection of Consciousness…created using the building blocks of the DNA of the parents and ancestors in that particular cycle (also chosen by the Self for Its highest purpose of learning). The stronger and more powerful the perception or experience of Self is, the more the perceived reality becomes crystallized and more seemingly ‘real’.

Personality is also a projection of Consciousness, formed for the purpose of fulfilling the learning process of the particular cycle in which it is projecting into.

The body and personality converge to fulfill the lessons of projected reality for the Self.

The Self…Consciousness, may not be aware of these processes until the final cycles, at which point, the awareness of Self at the deepest level, allows Consciousness to fully accept, and connect with Its own physical projection/manifestation, and to possibly utilize this awareness to manipulate or shift its pattern of cells.

This is, ‘holding space’, holding the container of the Self with full awareness and acceptance in such a way that the projection may be manipulated as desired.

This is a pivotal step on the path to Redemption…without full awareness and acceptance of Self, and the completion of the Human Experience, the process of letting go of Self cannot Be.

Awareness is Consciousness is Ego is Separation

Do not forget that the awareness of Self, of Consciousness, IS still Separation. Self-Awareness, Self is the Ego...they are intrinsically linked. Without Ego there can be no awareness of Self… 

Purity in the exploration of Self Awareness is the closest point to Redemption, however a perceived chasm (though in essence, simply the finest veil) still exists between this level of Self Awareness and Neutrality, Redemption…and Source.

Only by losing the Self, may Redemption Be…

The Path to Redemption

Although all Manifested Consciousness has a path to resolution, to Redemption, merging once more into Source, this progressive path involves and necessitates purity of intention in Being, in whatever form that may take, in whatever construct of reality that may be shaped in.  There is no less honor in this experience of reality, and is the first step towards freedom.

Along the path, there may be resistance to let go of the Individualized Expression…even though the understanding of Redemption may be known, the expression of Consciousness may still choose a path of further learning, and may choose to resist merging once more with Source.

Many levels and layers of consciousness must be transcended in order to reach ultimate freedom, Redemption…

The Illusion of Separation: Divinity of Consciousness

Manifested Consciousness, through the birthing of Self from Source, is no less than Source, than the Divine, it is simply the illusion of Separation that exists…

The conscious manifestation of the Self into a constructed reality, creates the only the ‘Illusion’ of Individualization, and therefore in this powerful manifestation, maintains the Self as an experience of ‘reality’.  

It is only as the layers of illusion begin to strip away, that the Self glimpses the Divinity which Is…

Initially these moments of recognition may be fleeting but with further experience, contemplation, the Self may begin to dissolve and the illusion of Separation dissipates further.


Upon attaining the all encompassing Knowing of Neutrality, the Understanding of the Illusion of all that is perceived to be real, the possibility of returning, absorbing, dissolving into the field once more….IS

As nothing, BEing everything…

This IS Redemption… recognizing the Divinity within, and experiencing the full bathing into the Divine, into Source once more, dissolving into That Which IS, That Which Has Been, and All That Ever Will Be.



Freedom in Presence….


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